Sese Framework
A cross-platform framework
This is the complete list of members for sese::xml::Element, including all inherited members.
addElement(const Element::Ptr &element) | sese::xml::Element | |
attributes | sese::xml::Element | private |
AttrType typedef | sese::xml::Element | |
Element(const std::string &name) | sese::xml::Element | explicit |
elements | sese::xml::Element | |
getAttribute(const std::string &name, const std::string &default_value) const | sese::xml::Element | |
getAttributes() const | sese::xml::Element | |
getElements() const | sese::xml::Element | |
getName() const | sese::xml::Element | |
getValue() const | sese::xml::Element | |
name | sese::xml::Element | private |
Ptr typedef | sese::xml::Element | |
removeAttribute(const std::string &name) | sese::xml::Element | |
setAttribute(const std::string &name, const std::string &value) | sese::xml::Element | |
setValue(std::string var) | sese::xml::Element | |
SubType typedef | sese::xml::Element | |
value | sese::xml::Element | private |