Sese Framework
A cross-platform framework
►Nsese | |
►N_windows | |
►Niocp | |
►Nv1 | |
CNativeContext | Native IOCP operational context |
CNativeIOCPServer | Native IOCP Server for Windows |
COverlappedWrapper | Overlapped Wrapper |
►Narchive | |
CArchiveInputStream | Archive input stream |
CArchiveOutputStream | Archive output stream |
CArchiveReader | Archive reader |
CArchiveWriter | Archive writer |
CConfig | Archive configuration class |
►Nconcurrent | |
►CLinkedQueue | Non-blocking, thread-safe queue |
CNode | Node |
►CLinkedStack | Non-blocking, thread-safe stack |
CNode | Node |
CNode | Node |
CObjectPool | Concurrent object pool |
►Ndb | |
►Nimpl | |
CMariaDriverInstanceImpl | Maria driver implementation |
CMariaPreparedStatementImpl | Maria prepared statement implementation |
CMariaResultSetImpl | Maria result set implementation |
CMariaStmtResultSet | Maria prepared result set implementation |
CPostgresDriverInstanceImpl | PSQL driver implementation |
CPostgresPreparedStatementImpl | PSQL prepared statement implementation |
CPostgresResultSetImpl | PSQL result set implementation |
CSqliteDriverInstanceImpl | SQLite driver implementation |
CSqlitePreparedStatementImpl | SQLite prepared statement implementation |
CSqliteResultSetImpl | SQLite result set implementation |
CSqliteStmtResultSetImpl | SQLite prepared statement result set |
CDriverInstance | Database-driven instance class |
CDriverManager | Database driver instance manager |
CPreparedStatement | Prepared statement object |
CResultSet | Query result set |
►Nevent | |
CBaseEvent | Base class for network events |
CBaseEventConvert | Basic network event converter interface |
CBaseEventLoop | Basic network event loop interface |
CEpollEvent | Epoll event |
CEpollEventConvert | Epoll epoll event convert |
CEpollEventLoop | Epoll event loop |
CKqueueEvent | Kqueue event |
CKqueueEventLoop | Kqueue event loop |
CWSAEvent | WSAEventSelect event |
CWSAEventConvert | WSAEventSelect event convert |
CWSAEventLoop | WSAEventSelect event loop |
►Nini | |
CIniConfig | INI Configuration Class |
CIniUtil | INI Utility Class |
►Ninternal | |
►Nnet | |
►Nhttp | |
CHttpClientImpl | HTTP/1.1 client based on ASIO |
CHttpSSLClientImpl | HTTP/1.1 client based on ASIO |
►Nservice | |
►Ndns | |
CDnsService | DNS service |
►Nservice | |
►Nhttp | |
CHandleable | |
CHttpConnection | Base implementation of Http connection |
CHttpConnectionEx | |
CHttpConnectionExImpl | |
CHttpConnectionImpl | Http regular connection implementation |
CHttpsConnectionExImpl | |
CHttpsConnectionImpl | Http SSL connection implementation |
CHttpServiceImpl | HTTP service implementation |
CHttpStream | |
►Nio | |
►CAbstractByteBuffer | Byte buffer class |
CNode | Buffer node |
CAbstractFixedBuffer | Fixed-size byte buffer class |
CBaseStreamReader | Output stream wrapping class, UTF-8 under Windows requires special handling |
CBufferedInputStream | Buffered input stream class |
CBufferedOutputStream | Buffered output stream class |
CBufferedStream | Stream buffer class |
CByteBuffer | Thread-safe byte buffer class |
CByteBuilder | Non-thread-safe byte buffer class |
CClosableFakeStream | Closable mock stream |
CCloseable | The closeable interface |
CConsoleOutputStream | Console output stream class - for testing purposes only |
CFakeStream | Mock stream |
CFileStream | File stream class |
CFixedBuffer | Thread-safe fixed-size buffer |
CFixedBuilder | Non-thread-safe fixed-size buffer |
CInputBufferWrapper | Input buffer wrapper |
CInputStream | Stream input interface class |
CInputStreamReader | Readable stream reader |
CNullOutputStream | Black hole output stream |
COutputBufferWrapper | Output buffer wrapper |
COutputStream | Stream output interface class |
CPeekableStream | Peekable stream interface |
CRandomInputStream | Random input stream |
CStdInputStreamWrapper | Standard library input wrapper stream |
CStdOutputStreamWrapper | Standard library output wrapper stream |
CStream | Stream interface class |
►Niocp | |
►Nv1 | |
CContext | Completion port operation context based on sese-event |
CIOCPServer | IOCP server based on sese-event |
CIOCPService | Completion port sub-service based on sese-event |
CIOBuf | Chained buffer for IOCP |
CIOBufNode | IOBuf Node |
►Nnet | |
►Ndns | |
►CDnsPackage | DNS Package Object |
CAnswer | DNS Answer |
CDnsHeader | |
CFlags | DNS Flags Utility |
►CIndex | DNS Package Compression Index |
CCompressIndex | |
CQuestion | DNS Question |
CResolver | DNS Resolver |
►Nhttp | |
CController | HTTP controller |
CCookie | Cookie class |
CCookieMap | Cookie mapping collection class |
CDynamicTable | HTTP 2 dynamic table |
CHeader | HTTP Header Key-Value Collection |
CHeaderBuilder | Header Key-Value Collection Builder |
CHPackUtil | HPACK decompression tool class |
CHttp2Frame | HTTP 2 Frame Information (including buffer) |
CHttp2FrameInfo | HTTP 2 Frame Information |
CHttpConverter | |
CHttpServletContext | |
CHttpUtil | HTTP Utility Class |
Chuffman_encoder_t | Huffman Encoder |
Chuffman_node_t | Huffman node |
Chuffman_tree_t | Huffman Tree |
CRange | HTTP Content Range Class |
CRequest | HTTP Request Class |
CRequestable | Requestable Interface |
CRequestableFactory | Requestable Factory |
CRequestHeader | Request Header Class |
►CRequestParser | Request Parser |
CResult | Request Parse Result |
CResponse | HTTP Response Class |
CResponseHeader | Response Header Class |
CServlet | HTTP applications |
CUrl | URL Parser |
►Nws | |
CWebsocketAuthenticator | Websocket Authenticator |
CAddress | Address class |
CAddressPool | IP address pool |
CIPAddress | IP address class |
CIPv4Address | IPv4 address class |
CIPv6Address | IPv6 address class |
CReusableSocket | Reusable socket builder for address and port |
CSocket | Native Socket class |
►Nplugin | |
CBaseClass | Module base class |
►CClassFactory | Class factory built-in implementation |
CRegisterInfo | Registration Information |
CModule | Plugin module object |
CModuleInfo | Basic module information |
►Nrecord | |
CAbstractAppender | Base class for log appenders |
CAbstractFormatter | Log formatter class |
CAsyncLogger | Asynchronous logger |
CBlockAppender | Block file log appender class |
CConsoleAppender | Console log appender class |
CEvent | Log event class |
CFileAppender | Log file appender class |
►CLogger | Logger class |
CPatternAndLocation | |
CLoggerInitiateTask | Logger initialization task |
CSimpleFormatter | Simple formatter class |
►Nres | |
CBundlerResource | |
CResource | Static resources |
CResourceManager | Static resource manager |
CResourceStream | Static resource stream |
►Nsecurity | |
►Nevp | |
CContext | Base class for EVP context |
CCrypter | Crypter interface |
CCrypterContext | EVP encryption and decryption context |
CDecrypter | Decrypter |
CEncrypter | Encrypter |
CMD5Context | EVP MD5 algorithm context |
CSHA1Context | EVP SHA1 algorithm context |
CSHA256Context | EVP SHA256 algorithm context |
CSHA384Context | EVP SHA384 algorithm context |
CSHA512Context | EVP SHA512 algorithm context |
CSM3Context | EVP SM3 algorithm context |
CMessageDigest | Message digest interface based on OPENSSL::CRYPTO |
CSecurityInitTask | Security module initialization task |
CSecuritySocket | Security socket class |
CSSLContext | SSL context |
CSSLContextBuilder | SSL context builder |
►Nservice | |
►Ndns | |
CDnsServer | DNS Server |
►Nhttp | |
CHttpServer | |
CHttpService | HTTP v3 Service Interface |
►Nv1 | |
CTimeoutEvent | Timeout event structure |
CTimerableService | Timerable Service |
►Nv2 | |
CTimeoutEvent | Timeout event structure |
CTimerableService | Timerable Service |
CMasterEventLoop | User load balancer main thread |
CService | Service Interface |
CSystemBalanceLoader | System Balance Loader (non-user scheduled loader) |
CTcpConnection | TCP Connection |
CTcpTransporter | TCP transporter |
CTcpTransporterConfig | TCP transporter configuration |
►CUserBalanceLoader | User load balancer, applicable to all platforms |
CSocketStatus | Socket status |
►Nsystem | |
CCommandLine | Command line argument class |
CCommandLineInitiateTask | Command line arguments initialize the task |
CEnvironment | Environment Information Class |
CFileLocker | File locker |
CFileNotifier | File Change Monitor |
CFileNotifyOption | File Change Callback Option Class |
CIPCChannel | IPC Channel |
CLibraryObject | Library Object |
CMemInfo | Indicates basic information of shared memory |
CMessage | Message entity |
CMessageIterator | Message iterator |
CNetworkInterface | Network Interface Information |
CNetworkUtil | Network Utility Class |
CPath | UNIX-LIKE Path Conversion Class |
CPaths | Runtime Paths |
CPathsInitiateTask | Runtime path initialization task |
►CProcess | Process Class |
CProcessImpl | |
CProcessBuilder | Process Builder |
CSemaphore | Named Semaphore |
CSharedMemory | Shared Memory Class |
CStackInfo | Stack Information |
CSubStackInfo | Sub-Stack Information |
►Ntext | |
►Noverload | |
CFormatter | |
CFormatter< const char * > | |
CFormatter< DateTime > | |
CFormatter< std::string > | |
CFormatter< Value > | |
CFormatter< VALUE, std::enable_if_t< is_iterable_v< VALUE > > > | |
CFormatter< VALUE, std::enable_if_t< std::is_floating_point_v< VALUE > > > | |
CFormatter< VALUE, std::enable_if_t< std::is_integral_v< VALUE > > > | |
CAbstractStringBuffer | String buffer class |
CDateTimeFormatter | Date time formatter class |
CDateTimeParser | Date parser |
CFmtCtx | |
CFormatOption | |
CNumber | Number to String Utility |
CStringBuffer | Thread-safe string buffer class |
CStringBuilder | Non-thread-safe string buffer class |
CTextReader | Text reader class |
►Nxml | |
CElement | XML Element |
CXmlUtil | XML Serialization Utility Class |
CArgParser | Command line argument parsing class |
CBase64Converter | BASE64 converter |
CBimap | Bidirectional map |
CBitset32 | Endian-independent 32-bit |
CBufferedQueue11 | Cache queue (single producer-single consumer) |
CBufferedQueueNn | Cache queue (multi producer-multi consumer) |
CCompressor | Compressor class |
►CConfigObject | Traditional configuration file class |
CSection | Section |
CConfigUtil | Traditional configuration file utility |
CCSVReader | CSV stream reader |
CCSVWriter | CSV stream writer |
CDateTime | Date time class |
CDecompressor | Decompressor class |
CEncodingConverter | String encoding conversion |
CErrorCode | Error code class |
CException | Exception class |
CGlobalThreadPool | Global thread pools, which use system thread pools on Windows, and slacker singleton thread pools on UNIX platforms |
CGZipFileInputStream | GZip file input stream (decompression) |
CGZipFileOutputStream | GZip file output stream (compression) |
Chas_begin | |
Chas_begin< T, void_t< decltype(std::declval< T >().begin())> > | |
Chas_end | |
Chas_end< T, void_t< decltype(std::declval< T >().begin())> > | |
CInitializer | Initializer |
CInitiateTask | Initialization task base class |
Cis_iterable | |
Cis_pair | |
Cis_pair< std::pair< T1, T2 > > | |
CJson | JSON parser |
CLocker | Std::mutex wrapper |
CLongLongSplitter | Structure for data splitting |
CMD5Util | MD5 Algorithm Class |
CMemoryViewer | Memory viewer tool |
CMessageDigest | Message digest utility class |
CNoncopyable | Non-copyable class |
CNotInstantiable | Non-instantiable class |
CObjectPool | Object pool |
CPercentConverter | Percent sign encoding converter |
CRandomUtil | Random utility class |
►CRange | Range class |
CIterator | Iterators |
CReverseIterator | Reverse Iterator |
CResult | Result Class |
CResult< T, E, std::enable_if_t< std::is_same_v< T, E > &&!std::is_void_v< T > &&!std::is_void_v< E > > > | |
CResult< T, E, std::enable_if_t<!std::is_same_v< T, E > &&!std::is_void_v< T > &&!std::is_void_v< E > > > | |
CResult< T, void > | |
CResult< void, E > | |
CResult< void, void > | |
CRingQueue | Ring queue |
CSHA1Context | SHA1 context |
CSHA1Util | SHA1 algorithm tool |
CSHA256Util | SHA256 digest algorithm without hardware instruction acceleration, do not use this utility class if performance is a concern |
CSingleton | Raw Pointer Singleton Template Class |
CSingletonPtr | Smart Pointer Singleton Template Class |
CSpinLock | Spin Lock |
CStopWatch | Stopwatch Class |
CStrCaseMapComparer | StrCaseMap Comparator |
CStrCaseUnorderedMapComparer | StrCaseUnorderedMap Comparator |
CStrCmp | Character comparator |
CStrCmpI | Character comparator (case-insensitive) |
CSymbolConverter | |
►CThread | Thread class |
CRuntimeData | Runtime data of threads |
CThreadInitiateTask | Initialization task for the built-in thread class |
►CThreadPool | Thread pool class |
CRuntimeData | Runtime data of thread pool |
CTimeoutEvent | Timeout Event |
CTimeoutEventSlot | Timeout Event Slot (Time Wheel Slice) |
CTimer | Low-Precision Timer Class |
CTimerTask | Timer Task |
CTimeSpan | Time Interval Class |
CTimestampHandler | Timestamp Handler |
CTimeWheel | Time Wheel |
CUniReader | Cross-platform file reader, primarily adapted for Windows, supports UTF-8 |
CUnixException | Unix exception wrapper class |
CUuid | Uuid Class |
CUuidBuilder | Uuid Builder |
►CValue | Value Container Class |
CDict | Dictionary Value Container Type |
CList | List Value Container Type |
CNull | Null Value Container Type |
CVersion | Version Class |
CYaml | YAML parser |
►Nsimdjson | |
Ndom | |
►Nsstr | |
CSChar | Unicode character |
CSString | String |
►CSStringView | String view |
CIterator | Unicode character iterator |